4609 items
    8A the color Light Ash Blonde
    7WB the color Warm Blonde
    7RB the color Red Natural Blonde
    7PN the color Smoky Natural Blonde
    7P the color Platinum Blonde
    7OR the color Orange Red
    7N+ 7NP the color Natural Blonde (Gray Coverage)
    7NB the color Neutral Blonde
    7NA the color Natural Ash Blonde
    7N the color Natural Blonde
    7G the color Gold Blonde
    7CB the color Cool Blonde
    7A the color Ash Blonde
    6WB the color Dark Warm Blonde
    6RV the color DarK Red Violet Blonde
    6RR the color Red
    6RO the color Dark Red Orange Blonde
    6RB the color Dark Red Natural Blonde
    6R the color Dark Red Blonde
    6PN the color Dark Smoky Natural Blonde
    6N+ 6NP the color Dark Natural Blonde (Gray Coverage)
    6NN Dark Neutral Blonde
    6NB the color Dark Neutral Blonde
    6N the color Dark Natural Blonde
    6G the color Dark Gold Blond
    6CM the color Dark Cool Mahogany Blonde
    6CB the color Dark Cool Blonde
    6A the color Dark Ash Blonde
    5WM the color Light Warm Mahogany Brown
    5WC the color Light Warm Brown
    5WB the color Light Warm Brown
    5VR the color Violet Red
    5RV the color Light Red Violet Brown
    5RR the color Red
    5RO the color Light Red Orange Brown
    5RB the color Light Red Natural Brown
    5R the color Light Red Brown
    5PN the color Light Smoky Natural Brown
    5N+ 5NP the color Light Natural Brown (Gray Coverage)
    5NN the color Light Neutral Neutral Brown
    5NB the color Light Neutral Brown
    5NA the color Light Natural Ash Brown
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